Welcome, Guest

Code of Conduct

As the Parent or Legal Guardian of a child involved with the FCoE, I agree to abide by the following rules and guidelines below:

> will promote the emotional and physical well-being of the athletes ahead of any personal desire to win.

> will remember that my child is here to improve his/her football/soccer skills and I have entrust the coaches o do their best to improve my child.

> will remember not to intervene (verbally or physically) into any of my child’s training sessions and entrust the oaches to handle the situation for the benefit my child as well as others.

> e encourage questions and/or feedback outside of the training sessions

> I will encourage good sportsmanship through my actions, by emonstrating positive support for ll players.

> I will provide support for coaches and officials working with the thletes to provide a positive experience for ll players at FCoE.

> I will demand my child treats all players, coaches, officials, parents, nd spectators with respect regardless of race, creed, colour, sex or ability.

> will treat all players, coaches, officials, parents, and spectators with dignity in language, attitude, behaviour, and mannerisms.

> will not engage in any conduct detrimental to the Academy or club’s image when on or off the field, including comments made on the nternet, including social medias.

> will inform the coach of any physical disability or ailments that may affect the safety of my child or the safety of others.

> will respect the property and equipment of the FCoE that is made available to the athlete for training purposes.

I, as representing myself as well as my relatives participating, passively actively, in any sessions directed by FCoE, understand that by signing this document I am agreeing on support and promote this Parent/Legal Guardian Codes or Conduct Agreement. Further, my failure to comply with his Agreement will result in disciplinary action, and could include expulsion of my child from FCoE.

Go Beyond Your Wildest Dreams.

Centre of Excellence for your football journey

FCoE is a professional football academy which aims atnproviding the ultimate support t0 individuals or groups striving to excel and reach their full potential.